Unit Goals

To Be the #1 Unit in the Emerald Seminar
Million Dollar Unit-Seminar 2011

Personal Goals:
Queen's Court of Recruiting
Queen's Court of Sales
Triple Court Achiever....Whew!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Office and Work Schedule

Monday thru Wednesday 10am to 9pm
Thursday 10am to 2pm
Thursday Unit Meeting 7pm

Saturdays for Debuts only

*Please schedule practice phone interviews every hour on the hour

Beauty Blog

My Seminar Revelation and this Year's Theme

Dear Consultants,

Yesterday we pulled in after a 20 hr drive home from Dallas. I tried to sleep but I couldn't find it...I was too excited. In my MK Career I have been to 10 Seminars, but this one was different. In many ways it was my favorite, not because of a stage walk or to pick up a diamond ring, a plaque, or a Top Director Trip, this one I got to share with my daughter.

Hayli was 8years old when I signed my agreement. She didn't quite know what to make of it at first, but soon she was drawing me pictures sitting in a pink Cadillac that she made with a popcycle stick with crowns and sashes, then came a poster that said "Loosers Never Win" (profound for an 8 year old), then became my Satin Hands and wash cloth assistant at my classes. This year the almost 21 year old was dressed in a Red Jacket and sat next to me at Seminar.

When the company played old tapes of Mary Kay speaking I saw tears running down her cheeks. I saw her light up to the Friends of Time dancing and singing, and got to watch her look at all those beautiful women in thier evening gowns take thier seats in the chair and be crowned, and then it hit me. She loves this because I love this.

To her Mary Kay Ash's memory and mission lives in her because of me. I have passed it on and to her she was a real person that gave women an open ended opportunity to have wealth, education, and unlimited opportunity. I am the one who has set the limits or the limitless thinking. Because I sewed I am reaping. There is nothing more fun then to see your kids outdo you, and I'm sure she will.

How many of us set limits on ourselves and watch it flow over to the next generation? I am so guilty of this especially in the last few years. "The economy is bad so noone has money to buy, noone will want to do this-people are depressed (thats why they call it a depression). Well I have just been to a place called Seminar where there is no depression, no recession, where women are still making hands over fists money and still excited about what they do. Now I feel like the child, starting all over again. It is real!

What will you choose to pass on to those who watch you? To that next generation who believes everything is true because you say it is so. I guess in some way I am your MK Mother. You are here because of a choice I made to work and share the opportunity either thru me or someone else. I am here to teach you, that is what they pay me for. I know so many of us hold back, wait for something to happen to say "This is the right timing...go get it now", so we wait. Wait for what? To get older? Kinda like we said motherhood will be easier when the kids are older?? Right!

Live your dreams now! You are here in the moment! GO WILD!!! (Which is what I am going to do, and this year's theme!!)

You are BEAUTIFUL, Sheri


Pedicure Class

These are a great booking tool for Spring and Summer:

Things you will need:

Satin Lips

All Sun products

TimeWise Toning Lotion

TimeWise Decolate' and Hand

Full Sets of each- Spa Collection

Honeysuckle, Cotton, Amber, and Passionfruit

6 great nail colors (I suggest OPI from beauty supply)

Nail Polish Remover

cotton balls & Q-tips

Bath or Beach Towels

Saran Wrap

Footbaths (plastic bins big enough for feet-find them at dollar store)

Begin Class with all your customers taking off old nail polish & choosing which Spa Fragrance they will use

-Put products on a foam try w/o mirror

-Put Cleansing Gel in footbath with hot water

-let them soak their feet while you thank hostess book classes and do Satin Lips

-Sugar Scrub-have your customer scrub her feet and wrap each foot in saran wrap, wrap both feet in towel.

-while they are sitting do marketing and $100 question

-rinse off feet and dry

-use Spa Lotion on legs and handcream on feet

-must use nail remover over again for nail polish to adhear

-paint toenails while toenails are drying

-show the Sun Essentials Products

(cute idea is to have them in beach bag or sand bucket)

Show Spa Collection and price per set

Show Satin Hands and Satin Lips as a set

Let them demo toning Lotion on their arms

explain decolate' cream and how the skin on our hands and chest is the same as around our eyes
