Unit Goals

To Be the #1 Unit in the Emerald Seminar
Million Dollar Unit-Seminar 2011

Personal Goals:
Queen's Court of Recruiting
Queen's Court of Sales
Triple Court Achiever....Whew!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"The $100 Question"

If you are wanting to build your team and customer base, this is a great tool which we as a Unit will use monthly for this year. A top Sales Director came up with this idea to ask your customers, or guests, even those who you want to warm chatter, "If you could ask me one question about how the Mary Kay business opportunity works what would be your one question?

Hand them a $100 bill copy from this site and then at the end of every month we are going to have a drawing. Each consultant must turn them into me throughout the month. Each deadline is by the 5th of the next month.



Pedicure Class

These are a great booking tool for Spring and Summer:

Things you will need:

Satin Lips

All Sun products

TimeWise Toning Lotion

TimeWise Decolate' and Hand

Full Sets of each- Spa Collection

Honeysuckle, Cotton, Amber, and Passionfruit

6 great nail colors (I suggest OPI from beauty supply)

Nail Polish Remover

cotton balls & Q-tips

Bath or Beach Towels

Saran Wrap

Footbaths (plastic bins big enough for feet-find them at dollar store)

Begin Class with all your customers taking off old nail polish & choosing which Spa Fragrance they will use

-Put products on a foam try w/o mirror

-Put Cleansing Gel in footbath with hot water

-let them soak their feet while you thank hostess book classes and do Satin Lips

-Sugar Scrub-have your customer scrub her feet and wrap each foot in saran wrap, wrap both feet in towel.

-while they are sitting do marketing and $100 question

-rinse off feet and dry

-use Spa Lotion on legs and handcream on feet

-must use nail remover over again for nail polish to adhear

-paint toenails while toenails are drying

-show the Sun Essentials Products

(cute idea is to have them in beach bag or sand bucket)

Show Spa Collection and price per set

Show Satin Hands and Satin Lips as a set

Let them demo toning Lotion on their arms

explain decolate' cream and how the skin on our hands and chest is the same as around our eyes
